Greens warn govt responsible for deportees safety, lack of training

The Greens said the government was responsible for ensuring immigration officials train staff to be able to handle바카라 신규 가입 쿠폰 the growing crisis they are facing.

Speaking to The Australian, deputy leader Adam Bandt said that after seven years of Government "tough" immigration policy, there has been a significant decline in the level of deportees arriving under the boat policy.

"A number of asylum seekers who had been previously deported have been resettled after they've been refused asylum," he said.

"The number of people arriving at the Manus island detention centre, by the end of this fiscal year, has dropped by one quarter.

"Those numbers have gone up significantly... we know that at the heart of the problem is inadequate support from the government for the frontline workers - those with training."

His statement came as a new report recommended that the Government consider change리얼 카지노s to immigration detention and detention policy, in an effort to better cope with the numbers of people being held there.

The report from the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said the government's harsh policy had had a devastating effect on asylum seeker rights and that it had contributed to an increase in human rights violations, including torture and forced sexual exploitation.

It found that in its first year, detention was likely to cost the country $11 billion and only $1.1 million of the amount had been spent on health care.

Australia's immigration detention policies have been labelled as being "torturous" and degrading by rights activists following a series of high profile drownings, including that of Afghan man Manus Manos.

Mr Bandt said that the number of people being held on Manus Island had fallen over the last five years by almost half after it was granted approval to return to detention facilities.

When the government first entered detention in late 2009, it expected to have a total of 13,000 people on the island and by June this year it was down to just 5,200.

Greens senator Scott Ludlam has said that the Government must find a solution to the issue of human rights abuses on the island before the end of this year.

"This tragic death highlights that there is no escape from the reality that asylum seekers on Manus Island are being detained and turned back on in their country," Senator Ludlam said in a statement.

"We call on the government to consider a more humane and responsive solution that would ensure the카지노 홍보se people are properly detained and processed."

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